ZASTOSOWANIA RFIDRFID Application in the Energy Industry - HADATAP

RFID for Energy Industiers

Develop your energy company with an RFID system. The solutions provided by radio technology will automate various activities and bring their quality to a higher level. Find out what benefits RFID brings in the energy industry.

Application of RFID in the energy industry

  • Quick reading of service data – offline or online, you can check the device parameters, its serial number, performance level, service dates and history in one place.
  • Automatic inventory – you will significantly shorten the time needed to update the status of energy infrastructure (traction networks, traction power devices, vehicles, warehouses).
  • Durable medium – RFID tags are more durable than ordinary nameplates, making them suitable for use in various storage conditions.
  • Meter tracking – with the RFID system you can more easily detect and remove failures, scan and replace meters and avoid errors when writing down data.
  • Access control – you will ensure the safety of employees thanks to easy verification of their qualifications, authorizations, location in the plant and identification. With RFID you will find missing people or people in need of help faster and more effectively.